And another thing…

My old roommate moved out today. Sad. I was just getting those jokes to work. :/

Oh well.

I had another thought about the whole nightclub / girl thing. I felt like it deserved it’s own post. Maybe. Actually it doesn’t at all but it’s kinda funny and lots of guys can probably relate.

You meet a girl out and you try to make an excuse to not go home. Either you don’t want to drive after drinking or it’s a long drive, or it’s too late. She is kinda into you. At least you think. And she says “Yeah you can crash here tonight.”

Those are the worst words. When a girl says “You can stay over here.” That could mean anything from: “You can stay with me tonight.” to “Yeah, you can crash on my couch while I fuck my boyfriend.”

One way is a huge win. The other is a huge L. I’ve had it go one way many many times. You can take a guess. Sometimes you get stuck in the middle. Making a joke like “hah. I hope your couch is comfortable. I don’t want you to have a bad nights sleep while I’m in your bed.” and she says “you can stay in my bed” and you think you win. Turns out it’s no man’s land. You may get a little cuddle time. Maybe a boob grab. Or nothing. but at least you’re not on the couch.

I’ve stayed in beds with guy friends before. I never really have a problem with that. I’m pretty comfortable with it if its a good friend. Plus sometimes you stay at a hotel there’s only one or two beds for a couple people. It’s usually no big deal but there was one time that’s embarrassing enough to talk about. I was in a relationship with a girl. We were still in love. She was on vacation or something. I was at my friends house. I woke up in the middle of the night and realized I was cuddling with him. He woke up. I was like uhhh whoa and he kinda half asleep looked at me and rolled back over… I kinda rolled over and hoped he didn’t realize it or thought he was having a nightmare.

He didn’t say anything until I think breakfast, I made a joke at his expense and he pulled the cuddle card. lol. His whole family was there too. It was pretty awkward but luckily everyone laughed and got over it really quickly. There was nothing I could really say anyway. So if you’re lonely and sharing a bed with your best friend. I hope you have an extra pillow to cuddle with. Also. Face outward. You don’t want a happy dream to turn awkward. 😐

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