Porn Addiction

This is probably going to fall into the too much information category but I haven’t written any good blogs lately. So I figured I’d post this one while I still only have 2 readers. Hopefully this is one my dad skips. lol.

I read an article recently that too much porn can affect your libido in real life. Some things started to make sense.

I’d been abstaining from sex for a while. Not always by my choice but I haven’t done myself any favors. Constant travel, high standards, weird schedule and apathy towards the chase. Not to mention, comedy has always been first. So I’ve stopped going to bars unless I’m performing and am out every night while my old friends still drink themselves to death. I’ve been single pretty consistently and unreliably getting any real action. So porn was always easier. Took the edge off. But I started watching too much porn I think.

I don’t think it was at a terrible level. I mean. It’s hard to admit it was an addiction in the first place. It’s natural. Doctors all tell you its healthy to masturbate. I’m starting to sound like all those pot heads: “It’s natural man. It helps me relax.” or prescription drugs, “I need it to sleep at night.” “My doctor wouldn’t give it to me if it was bad.” Right? It has every symptom of an addiction. I could technically stop, I didn’t really want to. I felt like I did it too much, but I didn’t think I was out of hand until I read some article.

At my pinnacle. I would masturbate like it was a reward for waking up: Congratulations. We’re not dead today. Let’s make sure this thing still works. Now that we got that out of the way. We can focus on the day. I convinced myself I just needed to shut the voice in my pants up to have a normal day. It was ridiculous. Then sometimes I would do it a couple times a day just out of boredom. I would meet a cute girl that night, and I knew even if she was interested in me, I surely would be disinterested in sex because I’d already masturbated like 3 times in the last 24 hours.

I know that I have an addictive personality (thanks dad). Addiction is in my blood. It’s not an excuse, it’s just a fact. I’m addicted to comedy. I feel physical symptoms when I don’t get on stage for a while. It’s a rush. It effects my real life. I suppose it’s better than pron. Who gets addicted to porn though. That’s like being addicted to Methadone instead of Heroin. Why not just get addicted to the real thing? I mean. The comparison’s to heroin are a little ridiculous. I don’t think masturbating will kill you. Well. Fuck. but seriously. That joke I wrote probably a year ago is case in point what the article says will damage your sex life.

I was watching an intervention show the other day and I thought it would be pretty funny if they did one on porn. There’d be a lot less hand holding at the meetings. The point of this I think is that I’m going to see how long I can go without masturbating. I’ve made it one week and some change already. It hasn’t been easy either. I have such soft hands.
Very Funny John Mulaney talks a little bit about sex addiction:

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