Facebook Stalking

Thanks for coming here. Maybe you’re here because of a facebook post or you’re just bad at googling things. Maybe you facebook stalked me. or “INVESTIGATED” whatever you want to do to excuse your actions.
Can we get rid of that term? “stalking” on social media? That’s what it’s for. You’re not website stalking me. I built a website so people would stop sending me messages asking me when I’m in their town (nobody asks me for tour dates, but let’s just pretend.) You’re not facebook stalking me, I posted what I what I wanted you to think I had for dinner so you could compliment my healthy choices later, even though I had a whole pizza to myself.

The point is, it’s not facebook stalking if you accept my friend request. That’s like seeing me in the bushes and inviting me in.

The other day I was getting food at Jimmy Johns and I saw a really cute girl with a sports sweatshirt and it had her name on the back of it, so I looked her up on facebook, and started scrolling through all of her photos. THATS facebook stalking. but only because she hasn’t accepted my friend request yet.


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