Paparazzi Attack

I was shopping the other day. From across the parking lot this guy starts yelling at me “HEY! WHASSUP FUNNY GUY!” I was like “Man. Can’t a celebrity shop in peace?” It’s really annoying. I get it. I’m gonna be on perez hilton tomorrow: “Stars without makeup.”

I get recognized once in a while, but it’s never the people you wish would recognize you. It’s never a hot girl “OMG, I loved your jokes about Porn and Chipotle. We should grab drinks sometime.” it’s always the annoying guy. “YO FUNNY GUY. TELL ME A JOKE.”

I’m trying to ignore this guy, but he keeps going. “YO FUNNY GUY. I SEE YOU! YOU’S A FUNNY MOTHAFUCKA.” So I was like fine. Anything for the fans. I turn around to go talk to the guy, but just as I do that. A different guy starts yelling at him from the other side of the parking lot and he goes “HEY, MAN! How’s it going!” and then they started talking.

Then I realized, that guy wasn’t even talking to me the whole time. I just assumed. Then I got a little upset, like “Hey. I’m a funny guy too. I got some stuff on youtube. My album is on itunes.”

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