Porn Selection

When I look back and reflect. I realize sometimes I’m more selective with porn than actual girls I’ve slept with. At the end of the night, I will go home, I will spend an hour picking out the perfect movie. Looking through the thumbnails, fast forwarding through to the end to make sure no weird shit is going to take me by surprise. If the girl is faking it, not that I could really tell, but if I think she’s faking it. Huge turn off. Fake tits. ugh. Next. but if I’m at a bar and it’s been a while (which it almost always has) and a girl is interested in me. I don’t care if she has one tit. I go for it. Fake Legs? Who cares? Let’s Go! Sometimes I wonder if I spent as much time and energy into finding a real girlfriend as I do porn at the end of the night, maybe I wouldn’t be single. I guess we’ll never know.

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