Save it for the Show!

My dad has a radio talk show and sometimes ill tell him a crazy story and he’ll stop me and go “save it for the show. You might say something funny. We could have this conversation or we could have this conversation and I could get paid for it.” The other day I was on the show about to tell some stories and things got busy and they ran out of time and I got bumped. I called me dad later to just talk and tell him what I’ve been up to. He says “oh sorry we ran out of time. Come back in friday and we’ll talk.” and that was like, the whole conversation.  So I emailed the producer and was like “dad says I need family time friday.” I literally schedule family time through a producer. It doesn’t really matter because we don’t talk a whole lot, but I’m just worried it’s gonna happen in the wrong situation. I’ll be in prison one day “Dad, I’m in prison, it’s not my fault, I need you to come get me.” “what happened?” “Well, I was minding my own business …” “Wait wait, save it for the show. Call back tomorrow between 6 and 10am” “but dad, this is my only phone call.”

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