So much for EVERY DAY this month

We’ve all got dreams to kill. I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, but god damn this Comedy thing is seriously taking up a lot of time. I’ve got time to write my ideas down in my phone when they come to me, I haven’t taken time to write them all on the blog. That was the point of saying “I’m going to write a blog a day” – I woke up around 11. Made my usual round of calls checking in till like 12. Shower, Dress, etc. It’s like 1. Friday is new movie day, so I’m like boom go to a 2:15 movie and a 4:50 movie (always pay for 1 and go to 2 to get your money worth.) get out at 7. Drive to Kent in traffic for a show at 8. Run up to bellevue to watch one of your favorite comedians who’s in town. My best friend who lives in denver just flew into town, so now I have obligations to hang with him. I’ve got girls that I want to hang out with to see if they’re worth hanging out with more than once. but my schedule is complete opposite of everyone’s schedule. Plus I’ve got the few regular actual friends that I want to see, that I hardly ever see even though we text every day. Plus I keep thinking of random things I want to do, revamps I want for the website. Emails I’ve got to send to bookers. People I’ve got to meet. I feel like I should have some sort of idea what I’ll be doing a year from now. Where I want to be. Financial issues. Just. Life. It’s a lot of work. I’m sure if I was Kyle Cease and I could fuckin… afford to live in LA and throw classes and fly everywhere and stable finances I would eat perfectly healthy food, and have a hot blonde wife and sign up for p90x and be exactly who I want to be or something. but I can’t right now. Sometimes Wendy’s is just quick enough for when I’m on my way. Maybe then I would sit down for 1 complete uninterrupted hour every day just to focus on my material. but I’m not. I’m Andrew Rivers. Right now. I’m a full time comic. and it’s a full time job to keep it that way. There’s a reason it’s called “FULL TIME”. That’s why I’m sensitive to people calling me out on my work ethic or saying I only get work because of my dad. You have no idea what my day is like. Sure. There’s some Madden during the day. but that’s for my sanity. I’d say I easily work 40 hours per week. If some young comic one day copies my book idea and asks me for a signature. I would write “If you want to be a full time comic. You have to work at it FULL TIME.”

So Yeah. Life is tough. Once again. I’m not complaining. It’s a good kind of busy. It’s what it should be. I promise when I find some time. You’ll get a plethora of blogs with some potential material or just random shit that is funny to me to be put here for safe keeping for when I learn how to turn it into material. But it might be a few days. For ALL 12 of my readers. That includes the 5 spam comments I get per day. I hope you’ll continue to pay no attention to what I’m doing here. Come see me at some shows.

Much Love
Andrew J Rivers

P.S. (I wrote this at 2am so technically it’s still a blog for friday. Does anyone even read this?)

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