Somebody tried to kill me the other day

I think somebody tried to kill me the other day. Here’s the story. I was driving and I accidentally ran a stop sign.

NOT at any dangerous speed. I stopped and a car in front of me went and for some reason I thought the light had turned green. So I just kept going. (because that’s what happens when you day dream in the car. You forget what you’re doing.)

So I go and in the middle of the intersection I realize that I made a mistake. I look to my left and another car is coming right at me. Not even trying to slow down. In fact. I can hear him accelerating. He is pushing the gas as far in as possible.

Luckily, he didn’t hit me because he was in a Saturn. Which has the horsepower of a riding lawn mower. Which is probably why he was trying to hit me in the first place.

“AUGHHH I’m in a Saturn this is my only chance!”

Now I don’t know how I would prove that he accelerated into me if he hit me, but I’m almost 99% positive there’s a law that says you MUST TRY to avoid the accident otherwise it’s just as much your fault, but don’t let a little illegal traffic maneuver and exaggerated rage get in the way of a great story title. 🙂

Trust me. I used to drive one. You'd want to wreck it too.

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