In the 1970s The Comedy Store was opened in Los Angeles. Comics struggling all over the country for a way to break out, took notice once a Comedy Store regular appeared on The Tonight...
“Hal Sparks – Write Everything Down! Ain’t nothin to it but to do it!” Ain’t nothing to it but to do it. Seinfeld once said if he were to teach a class on comedy...
“Contests are bullshit.” – Duane Goad I met Duane Goad during my first year in comedy as he hosted the “Funniest Person to Drive through Totem Lake” Comedy contest at Laughs in Kirkland. He...
A comedian that needs the F Word to get a laugh is like a martial arts expert who needs a gun. Wishing you Luck – Emo Phillips. Emo worked laughs in kirkland one weekend...
“Andrew, Don’t fuck the waitresses, no matter how hot they are!! I’m serious! I can’t work in El Paso any more. Damn Latina’s!! Cheers Rick D’Elia aka Lick D’eRia” One very controversial entry was...
You have a great energy and a powerful stage presence. Those are traits you cannot buy. You either have them or you don’t. You will only get better and better with stage time.
(You’re) very natural and funny. Just keep up the work, be yourself and with a few breaks you’ll have a blast